The form below will adjust it’s fields based on your answers! New Site Details "*" indicates required fields Requestor InformationName*CompanyEmail* Your email addressCC Email Please include any people required to authorize this request.Site DetailsSite (Hostname)*The site name (ie;,, etc) that you want the site to be accessible from. If this is a development site enter the main site name (ie; and we'll adjust the actual deployed name for dev.Server Environment*DevelopmentStaging/BetaUATDemoProductionWhat environment the site will be created inside.Development Language*PHP (Currently Installed Version)PHP 7.4PHP 8.0PHP 8.1PHP 8.2Python (Currently Installed Version)OtherThe primary language the site or application is written in.Development Langauge: Details*Developer List:*List each developer who needs a dev copy of this site, one per line.Protocols*HTTPS Only (HTTP URLs redirected to HTTPS)HTTP OnlyHTTP and HTTPS"HTTPS Only" is required if you wish to use Webserver User/Password authentication below.WordPressThis site is not WordPressWordPress - A-Team Setup, Secure, and UpdateWordPress - Do Not Install (No A-Team support or patching)Will this be a WordPress site? If so it is usually best if A-Team creates the site and installs WordPress for you so that permissions, security, and so forth are done correctly. This also ensures we monitor and update your WordPress install.Web Framework*CodeIgniter, Yii, Joomla (Rewrite non-existent URLs to index.php)LaravelReact (rewrite to index.html)None (no rewrite to index.php, etc).Other (Specify below)Typically most frameworks require rewriting all requests that do not match a real file to index.php. Certain frameworks also have different directory structures so it is important to specify the framework you'll be using here.Web Framework Name*Document Root*By default /htdocs is used, however some frameworks such as Laravel use /htdocs/public. Please start all paths with /htdocs and add to the end of that such as /htdocs/public .Document Root (Laravel)*By default Laravel uses /htdocs/public. Please start all paths with /htdocs and add to the end of that such as /htdocs/public .Automated DeploymentAutomated Deployment*GitSubversionGitlab ArtifactNo automated deploymentSpecify the code repository type you wish to pull automated deployments from.Use Existing Site's Deployment as a TemplateOptional. For complicated deployment sites you can specify a site to copy the deployment configuration from and we'll use the below values (ie; repo, branch, etc) to override. NOTE: We'll assume it's the same environment (staging or prod) unless you specify differently! GIT Repository URI*URI MUST START WITH "ssh://", https:// URIs are not alllowed. For example: ssh:// Gitlab Arifact Build URL*For example: Branch*What branch name to deploy from by default. Typically mirrors the environment, ie; production, staging, etc.Subversion Repository URL*An example Subversion URL would be: Tag or Branch*What path to deploy from by default, this is added to the repository URL above. ie; trunk, tags/staging, tags/productionDeployment Permissions*Standard deployment users for my companySpecific usersWho should be allowed to run the automated deployment process. Typically A-Team maintains a standard deployment group on file.Deployment User List*List each user who should be able to deploy this site, one per line.Post Deployment Operations Composer NPM Artisan "migrate" Additional Steps Allows for dynamic installation of packages and DB migrations. Check all that you wish to have run after deployment. Composer requires a composer.json file, NPM a package.json file.Additional Deployement Steps*Let us know what other steps need to happen after getting a clean version of the code from the repository.Database DetailsDatabases MySQL Redis Elasticsearch MongoDB Memcache CouchDB Specify what, if any, databases are needed for this application.Databases (WordPress) MySQL We'll create a database and database user for this WordPress site.Database Developer Access*Standard access list for my companySpecific usersWho should be allowed to access the database(s) for this site. Typically A-Team maintains standard access lists for each enviroment.Database Access Users:*List users who should have individual access to this DB (presumed read/write).Populate Database From*Leave database blankCopy an existing site's DB structure only (NO DATA)Copy an existing site's DB structure and dataProvide a SQL file to importCopy Database Structure (NO DATA) From*Provide the existing database name to copy the structure from. NOTE: We'll assume it's the same environment (dev/staging/prod) unless you specify differnetly!Copy Database Structure and Data From*Provide the existing database name to copy the structure and data from. NOTE: We'll assume it's the same environment (dev/staging/prod) unless you specify differently!Advanced OptionsLibraries ImageMagick ICU (Lib Intl) These libraries need to have supporting files copied into the site root in order to work, let us know if you need them.Libraries (WordPress) ImageMagick ICU (Lib Intl) We'll install these libraries so that WordPress has the ability to efficiently convert images and perform language substitutions.Webserver User/Password*No passwordAllow all LDAP usersAllow certain LDAP usersManually specify non-LDAP user/pass informationThis enables a username or password prompt from the webserver itself (a popup dialog from the browser).LDAP Users*Who should be allowed to access the site based on their LDAP credentials. Please specify on user per line.Manually Specify Username/Password(s)*Allows you to specify username/password combination(s) to allow through. List one username/password combination per line.IP Access Restrictions*No restrictionExisting list A-Team has for my companyManually specify IP(s) to allowBlock access to the site based on the user's IP address. This is applied before any Webserver User/Password restrictions.Browser Authentication*No web server authentication requiredRequire authentication before loading the siteProtect this site with a web-server level "popup" authentication dialog before visitors can even interact with the site. Useful for staging and test sites you want to keep the public at large from seeing. You can specify IPs below to be whitelisted and not forced to enter a username and password.IP(s) To Allow*List one IP per line.File Upload Limit (in MiB)*Please enter a number from 0 to 9999.If your application or site accepts uploaded files via the web (either by users or the admin) please specify a limit here that is slightly higher than the largest file you expect to be uploaded. For WordPress sites this would include the size of any custom theme files. If you leave this 0 (zero) the system default will be applied which is typically 20 MiB.AcknowledgementImportant Note About Production Website Monitoring* I agree to notify A-Team Systems when the site is fully up if I wish it to be monitored.I understand that A-Team Systems cannot monitor a web site that is in development or unfinished. It is my responsibility to inform A-Team when a site is finalized, in production (or about to be), and that I want to have A-Team monitor it. This applies to web content checks, SSL certificate monitoring, and external page out monitoring.Important Note: Non-Production Websites Are Not Monitored* I understand that non production web sites are not monitored directly.I understand that due to the constantly changing nature of non-production sites, A-Team Systems does not monitor them directly. This applies to web content checks, SSL certificate monitoring, and external page out monitoring.Notes Δ